Furry. Eight legs. Far to many eyes. And just down right creepy. Spiders are the creatures of many a nightmare. One would usually associate the garden, or more specifically the garden shed, as being prime arachnid territory. That is until now, thanks to the clever people at Tiger Sheds, who have introduced a spider-proof version into their range.
With silicone seals, airtight windows and doors plus a lining doused in insect repellent, Tiger GUARANTEE that no spider will break into your garden fortress, leaving you free of fear to enjoy whatever it is you do in your shed.
Simple and rather brilliant.
They cleaned up on the coverage front to, with almost a clean sweep of the nations in The Mirror, The Sun, Telegraph.co.uk, Mail Online, Express.co.uk as well as a syndicated piece on with PA, bagging them streams of local column inches.
Bravo folks at Tiger Sheds, very fine work indeed.