To end the week with a cracking piece of news, we’re stoked to be working with the fine folk at Ondine in Edinburgh.
It’ll be a familiar name for those who know their seafood no doubt but just in case, we’ll help you out a little.
Dipping into the natural larder of Scotland’s coastline, this is the sort of cooking that’ll leave you grinning like a Cheshire cat – sympathetic to the produce, magically enhanced by influences and techniques from near and far, then executed with skill and deftness of touch by Chef/Patron Roy Brett and his team.
A joy, quite simply.
Our remit will see us driving nation-wide awareness for Ondine as well as curating an ongoing series of chef exchanges, all in the name of building a bigger presence in London.
Not booked a table yet? Time to rectify that. Form an orderly queue… behind us, naturally.